Not For A Moment

“After all You are constant. After all You only good.
After all You are sovereign.
Not for a moment will You forsake me.”
– Meredith Andrews

I was on my way home from a quick trip to the store a bit ago, and as usual, was accompanied by my car’s radio.  K-Love was my station of choice on this dreary, Autumn day as I traveled down a road I could drive with my eyes closed.  A song entitled Not For A Moment came on the radio, and though I have heard the song dozens of time and loved it from the moment I heard the first chord, I heard it differently today.

Unlike in the past, instead of just hearing a theologically sound and beautiful song, I heard God’s words to me coming through my speakers. I was left to do what I do in these moments in my life. I cried. I cried because I felt like the Lord was sitting right next to  me, singing the words to me. The line “not for a moment will you forsake me” took on new life. As I allowed myself to think about all the ways I felt people and circumstances have let me down this year, how I have felt abandoned and alone, so far from Home., I remembered….

Not for a moment has He forsaken me. 

Though right now I feel like a sojourner in a foreign land, and am trying to once again regain a clear vision for my life, I know He hasn’t changed. My circumstances didn’t change today but my attitude certainly did.  I find extreme peace and hope in knowing He is good, in knowing He will never leave me and always remain a constant in my life — always.

Thank you, Father, for never forsaking me.

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